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Web Content Writing: 3 No-Nos to Avoid At All Cost

Web Content Writing: 3 No-Nos to Avoid At All Cost

Mistakes are a normal part of our lives. Some would even say they’re even a necessity. And it’s true. They’re life’s best teachers. If we didn’t make any mistakes, we wouldn’t grow as a species.

Web Content writing is no different. 

The best writers have put in the work and in the process made countless mistakes. And they’re better for it. But making mistakes can only go so far. After a while, you learn and you stop making them—at least the rookie ones. Here are 3 web content writing no-nos that we ensure we do not make.


  1. Not proofreading or double-checking

The point of writing is to get ideas across. So if your copy is littered with errors, no matter how small, you’re basically setting yourself up for failure.

No serious writer would dare hand in their work without having proofread or double-checked it. No matter how good you are as a writer, some mistakes will always find their way into your work. Whether they’re typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies in style and tone. This is normal. Nobody is perfect, after all. But you can definitely avoid them by proofreading your work.

Here’s an insider tip: Once you’re finished writing, set it aside for a while and then come back to it. Sometimes when you’re writing, you’re too close to the material—often literally—that your brain stops registering the little errors here and there. By giving yourself some time away from your work, you’re essentially rebooting your brain. As a result, you begin to see anew your work through a fresh lens.


  1. Plagiarizing 

Plagiarism is the act of lifting someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Here’s why you shouldn’t do it: it’s a crime. 

Surprisingly, many writers still do it. What most people don’t realize is that plagiarism doesn’t always happen intentionally. People—at least, good people—don’t simply decide that they will copy someone’s work and pass it off as their own. Most often than not, people simply think their ideas are original to them when in fact they have read or heard or learned about it somewhere. Other times, they simply neglect to attribute a source to an idea or a quotation. There’s a proper way to quote someone’s work—whether directly or indirectly. That’s why you always need to proofread and edit your work.  


  1. Targeting no-one

Effective web content writing is targeted web content writing. You have to know who you’re talking to if you want to engage with them. When you have a targeted audience in mind, it gives you a better chance at addressing their specific interests and needs. It gives your writing more purpose. And it gives you a higher chance of succeeding in converting them into actual customers. If you’re writing for everyone, you’d hardly connect with anyone on a meaningful level, which is not the result you want with any kind of writing. 


Digital Offsider writers create content that is engaging, consistent, and market-relevant. And a key aspect of that is eliminating editorial sins that could destroy the quality of their work.

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