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7 Things You Didn’t Know About Social Media Managers

7 Things You Didnt Know About SMM

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS | A social media manager’s job description is pretty straightforward, to manage social media! Needs can vary for different businesses, but the purpose is more or less the same – to develop social media profiles that attract more customers. But SMMs are so much more than an IG flatlay and a hashtag! 


   1. They’re Master Organizers

Social media managers are masters at organization! We all know the well-feared content calendar – am I posting enough? Am I creating great content? Will my audience like my content? Should I post everyday? Am I getting too repetitive? 


SMMs know all the answers, and they know how to work the calendar like a fiddle. It’s a tool they’ve mastered and honed through years of experience. They know which posts will attract the most people and when to post it. 

    2. They Read Data Analytics Like a Pro

Social media involves a lot of data. To exceed it, you need to cheat the algorithm. For Social Media Managers, no data is too big to analyze and learn from. 

SMMs study data on your social media to create tailored solutions to your platform. 

   3. They Know A LOT About Human Psychology

Aside from data and statistics, social media is filled with people. At the core of it all, human users are who you have to appease – not the algorithms! A lot of SMMs have had training in psychology and user behavior. Some of them learn it through their peers, or they seek out knowledge on their own. 


Knowing about human psychology is a great asset when you want to appeal to your viewers. 

   4. They Know A LOT MORE About Marketing

Aside from psychology, SMMs are also well-versed in the field of marketing and advertising. The two fields are infinitely intertwined after all. If psychology is the study of human behavior, marketing is how to apply that knowledge for business. 

SMMs train in the art of marketing, either professionally or through individual means. They can come up with marketing strategies for your socmed, and implement them. They also make sure that everything is in tune with your brand personality! 

   5. They’re More Creative Than You Think

They maybe SMMs in profession, but they’re artists at heart. The nature of social media is much more creative. Imagine having to think of IG posts, stories, videos, captions every day of the week. That requires a lot of creativity. 

   6. They Also Do Customer Support!

Part of the SMM’s job is to reply to comments and respond to DMs. They can build strong relationships with your audience by consistently using your brand’s tone of voice. 


Of course the Social Media Manager can ask the help from Instagram Engagers to reply to your followers and inquiries. But they’re basically the minds behind it! 

   7. Social Media Managers Support Your Team

A social media manager contacts the rest of your team and makes sure content is circulating across their social media. Having the rest of your team share content helps build a community for your business. It’s a lot easier to show the world how awesome your business is when people are sharing your content!



A social media manager is one of the most important roles for any business. Not only are they organized, quick-witted, and engaging, they’re also immensely creative! A social media manager has big shoes to fill in each business structure. Finding the right one has never been so easy with the help of Digital Offsider. Let us know how we can help your social media today! 


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