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Quick & Easy Tips to Find Your Brand Personality

Quick & Easy Tips to Find Your Brand Personality

Brand personality makes your brand relatable, reliable, and trustworthy. Crafting a fully developed brand personality is one of the first steps to creating a successful marketing strategy for your business. Read on for our 5 simple tips to finding your brand personality.


Personify your Brand

It’s a lot easier to connect to a person than to a product! Thinking of your brand as a person can help you in creating a well thought out brand personality. There are some fun exercises you could do with your team to get to know your brand better. You can answer a scrapbook as your brand, get to know their likes and dislikes, find out their favorite kind of weather is, are they into sweets, or do they have dietary restrictions? Asking these fun, intimate questions can be very helpful but also boost your team’s creativity and help strengthen your brand’s personality. 


If you can envision your brand as a multi-dimensional person, it will be a lot easier for your audience to relate to them. It will help your creative team come up with appropriate style guides and content. 


Create a mood board

A mood board is a visual representation of your brand’s personality. Since you’ve worked out the kinks of what kind of person they are, it’s time to create a mood board. This will serve as your visual guide and includes your brand’s colors, fonts, style guides, etc. You can even add some celebrities who you think have your brand’s “vibe” and use them as a guideline for building your brand’s personality.


Your brand should be relatable and consistent. Consider the following to include in your brand’s mood board: other brands and their logos that you’re inspired from, a color palette, architecture, and sounds that capture your brand’s essence.  

Stick to key adjectives

There are some common types of brand personalities. To fully identify yours, it’s best to pick out precise adjectives that truly fit the image you want to present. Here are some of those common types of brand personalities. 

  • Excited. These brands are free-spirited, youthful, and carefree
  • Sincere. Prioritize being kind, thoughtful, and family-oriented
  • Rugged. They’re rough, tough, and athletic!
  • Competent. Successful, influential and are intuitively a leader
  • Sophisticated. Elegant, prestigious, and enjoys the luxury 


Remember that your brand’s personality should be someone your audience relates to. Think of it this way: if your brand and your audience were working together, would they be friends?


Create a strong message

A brand message is a sort of like a person’s core goals. It’s the objective in life that they want to achieve. A brand has a similar objective, or in a more business sense, it’s your brand’s vision.


A message doesn’t have to be complicated, but it should be easy to understand for your team and relatable for your audience. In many cases, the brand message is also the tagline. This message should drive all the decisions you want to make for your brand and should remain to be consistent with all the ad content you publish.


In conclusion, the best way to develop your brand is to think of them as a real, multi-dimensional person who has ups and downs, who has lived a full life and wants to share their knowledge to the world! Time to get your creative juices flowing and brainstorm with your team

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