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Social Media Ads: How to Manage your Advertisements

Social Media Ads: How to Manage your Advertisements

Social Media Ads aren’t as straightforward as they may seem on your screens. Ads involve a lot of creativity, psychology, and a whole lot of strategy to reach your business goals. Here are Digital Offsider’s top tips on how to manage your social media advertisements.


Check on your competitors

The first thing you can do is to benchmark your competitors. What do their ads look like, what are they doing well and what’s not working? What time of day do their ads appear and how much engagement do their ads have?


Think as if YOU were your competitor’s social media ad manager, and you’re conducting an assessment on what they’re doing right/wrong. This gives you a really great idea of ad strategies you can adapt or avoid. However, remember the keyword is “adapt” and not copy. Identify what it is your competitors did well and then do it better!


Attract your target audience

Knowing your target audience makes it easier for you to create ad content they can engage with. Identify your audience’s demographic, the time of day they’re online, and what kind of content they’ve enjoyed before. Do they engage with photos or video media more? Do they like humor content or dramatic narratives?


Your ad campaign should be laser-focused on attracting your target audience. Create amazing content for the people that matter the most and expect only increased engagement and sales!


Create a compelling ad strategy

In order to identify what to post, when to post, and who to post it for, an ad strategy is key so that your whole campaign is set up for success. An ad strategy is any technique you wish to apply to your advertisements in order to get the most engagement and relatability from your viewers.


You can look into the following strategies for your brand

  • Putting a friendly and relatable face to your brand (and not use stock photos!)
  • Use testimonies from people who have found your product or service useful
  • Informative content that educates your audience and builds credibility on your expertise in the field

Ad monitoring

Once you’ve got the rhythm of launching your ads across your platform, monitoring is the next most important step. Monitoring the engagement and reach of your ads is crucial to learn more about your evolving audience. By being diligent in monitoring, you can make room for improvement and adjust ads depending on your audience’s behavior. Doing so would help maintain the performance of your ads and keep those conversion rates up!



Digital Offsider offers a Social Media Ads Management service that focuses solely on making sure your ads get the most out of your buck. Contact us today and get in touch with one of our social media ad specialists. Let us help you reach your business goals in the most efficient way possible! 

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