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Social Media Advertising: How to measure if it’s working

Social Media Advertising: How to measure if it’s working

Social media advertising is a great way to increase the reach of your business, but measuring your strategy’s success or failure is necessary to get the most out of your investments. Here are some tips on how to measure social media ads and some tools to help you get started!

Measuring Social Media Advertising

It’s really important to keep track of your number of followers, shares, likes, views, etc. but those are very shallow measurements of how your advertising is doing. You need to look beyond these numbers and understand that the real value is in the quality of these engagement metrics

When you’re measuring SocMed advertising, it could go both ways: you’re doing really great or it’s a total shitshow. Either way, the idea is the results will give you a better understanding of how to approach your advertising strategies on social media. 

But what exactly should you measure? 

Measuring through volume and reach

Measuring volume and reach is pretty straightforward. You take the numbers that the social media platform easily provides and base off of that. 

Some ways to measure volume and reach are the following: 

Brand and product mentions: you can track your brand volume by considering how many times people have linked to your website or a page in your site

Market reach: you can take into account all your followers across all your platforms. However, it’s also important to look into the followers of your followers, because their shares and reacts is what increases your reach

Measuring through the quality of engagement

Arguably the more important aspect to measure, quality engagement is absolutely crucial for a successful advertising campaign. You can put out as many ads you want, but if people aren’t engaging with it, it’s as good as useless. Here’s what you should look out for: 

Brand discussion: are people talking about your brand or product? Are they commenting on your blog posts or Facebook updates? This is a great way to tell if people actually care about your product. 

Platform bias: See where people are most engaged in your product. Maybe you get more engagement from Instagram or maybe Facebook? This is also a really great target market research and looks at the demographic of people reacting to your ads. 

Overall sentiment: It’s one thing to have 5,000 reacts and 25,000 comments on your Facebook ad. But what if the reacts are angry and the comments are against your product? Gauge the support people have for your business through the comments and replies section, and whether it’s positive or not. 

How can I measure my social media advertising? 

There are some really easy-to-use and accessible social media tools for monitoring. Those include Facebook Ad Insights and Google Analytics. These tools can help you in gathering data and information about your ads and its engagers. However, data can only do so much. What you need is a cohesive plan and strategy to implement in order to get your lousy numbers into business achievements. 

If your advertising results aren’t going very well, there are a number of advertising strategists at Digital Offsider that are willing to help you out. We’re more than willing to help you out on your entire business journey. Doing it alone is not only difficult, but it’s also very boring!

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