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5 Tips to Manage Facebook Ads

5 Tips to Manage Facebook Ads

You don’t pay for Facebook Ads just because you feel like it. You do so because you have a goal for your business. As such, do not settle for the bare minimum. 


Facebook Advertising has a bigger and higher potential that when maximized can give you a paramount result. Knowing the get-around and the different techniques in launching your Facebook Ads provides a promising change resulting in a boom in your reach and sales. Here are our curated tips to get you started. 


Audience Study

Audience Study

Before launching any ads, it is a must that you first establish, not just your marketing objectives, but as well as your target audience. Any effort to promote your products will be in vain if these ads are directed to the wrong market and users. 

Studying your market will help you effectively curtail the ads and their type to fit what appeals the most to your potential clients and customers. Facebook has existing tools which you can use specifically for this purpose. Through its Audience Insights (now, transitioned to Business Suite Insights), you will know information like your audience’s demographics. These metrics and data will assist you to decide which market to maintain, reach, and convert to figure. 


Automatic Placements

Automatic Placements

If Facebook is just one of the platforms you use for your business, then Automatic Placement will save you the time to manually advertise across multiple social media platforms. This Facebook feature is designed for you to simultaneously run your ads on Facebook and its family of platforms.

At a lower average cost, you can reduce your time to individually work on your ads, and you are most likely to reach varied and wider audiences. As Facebook does all the work and estimates in this feature, you earn more energy and time.


Different FB Ads Formats 

Different FB Ads Formats

Though videos are considered the most effective in terms of connecting with your audience, it isn’t the only type of FB Ads that you can use. Facebook provides other Ad options for you to make sure you reach different types of audiences and market preferences. It features Image Ads, Poll Ads, Carousel Ads, Dynamic Ads, Slideshow Ads, and Collection Ads. You can even maximize your Facebook Story feature to advertise your products. The key here is to refer to what you have studied in terms of your audience. The flexible you are in your ads, the better targeting you will have.


Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel

If you own a website where you redirect buyers from Facebook, Facebook Pixel is a perfect tool for conversion optimization. From its report, you will know how many people took action after viewing your ads helping you pinpoint who to direct the next ads, what to improve or change. By using Custom Audience, Facebook Pixels determines which among these clicks need to be reached out again with ads. Facebook Pixels learns from its insights and uses them to improve the delivery of ads to people who are most likely to respond to them. As this narrows down your targeting to a more accurate market, it increases your ROI while saving you money. 


Ads Scheduler

Ads Scheduler

After studying your Page Insights on Facebook, you will know when is your audience most active on this platform. Use these inputs to schedule your ads to the given time and days. Knowing the optimum time to put up your ads is a more effective way of managing your advertisements, so they get better engagement and yield better results. This also helps you to avoid putting up your ads on a daily basis.

You can either create a new ad set or edit an existing one and schedule it for posting from the Budget and Schedule section of your Facebook Ads Manager.  This is where you can choose the blocks of time you want your ads to run.


Digital Offsider

Nailing Facebook Ads is not an easy way to do if you have a lot on your plate. We suggest that you focus on your products and less on those tasks which experts are most fitted to do. Having experts to back you up saves you more time off trial and error in running your ads. They use ad calculator tools to scale up your budget based on your ad performance, strategize the delivery of your ads, and even prepare the ad display for you. Not sure where to find them? Digital Offsider has these experts ready to help you. Send us a quote here and you’ll be good to go. 


Photos by Will Francis, Georgia de LotzTimothy Hales Bennett, Austin Distel, NeONBRAND, and Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

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